Results for 'Margaret L. Bush Riccardi'

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  1.  26
    Elements of Poetry in the Mahābhārata (Univerversity of California Publications in Classical Philology, Vol. 20)Elements of Poetry in the Mahabharata.Margaret L. Bush Riccardi & Ram Karan Sharma - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):277.
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    Margaret L. Andersen.Margaret L. Andersen - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (3):360-363.
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    A Nepali Version of the VetālapañcaviṃśatiA Nepali Version of the Vetalapancavimsati.L. A. Schwarzschild & Theodore Riccardi - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):615.
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    A mechanistic account of bodily resonance and implicit bias.Rachel L. Bedder, Daniel Bush, Domna Banakou, Tabitha Peck, Mel Slater & Neil Burgess - 2019 - Cognition 184 (C):1-10.
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  5. Linguistic innateness and its evidence.Margaret L. Atherton & R. Schwarz - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (March):155-168.
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    Ethics and the business of bioscience.Margaret L. Eaton - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Business Books.
    Businesses that produce bioscience products—gene tests and therapies, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices—are regularly confronted with ethical issues concerning these technologies. Conflicts exist between those who support advancements in bioscience and those who fear the consequences of unfettered scientific license. As the debate surrounding bioscience grows, it will be increasingly important for business managers to consider the larger consequences of their work. This groundbreaking book follows industry research, development, and marketing of medical and bioscience products across a variety of fields, (...)
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    Enlightenment Thought: An Anthology of Sources.Margaret L. King - 2019 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Margaret L. King has put together a highly representative selection of readings from most of the more significant—but by no means the most obvious—texts by the authors who made up the movement we have come to call the 'Enlightenment.' They range across much of Europe and the Americas, and from the early seventeenth century until the end of the eighteenth. In the originality of the choice of texts, in its range and depth, this collection offers both wide coverage and (...)
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    Letters, Notes, & Comments.Kent L. Brintnall & Stephen S. Bush - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (3):545 - 555.
    This Comment argues that Stephen Bush's critique of Georges Bataille's meditative practice fails to recognize how the disruption of the self, and the challenge to goal-oriented activity that comprise the heart of that practice, serve as an ethical limit that protects against sadistic and violent engagement with the world. The ethical disposition fostered by Bataille's practice is a dissolution of the self. In this reply to Kent Brintnall's response to my essay on Georges Bataille and the ethics of ecstasy, (...)
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    Moral Foundations Theory: An Exploratory Study with Accounting and Other Business Students.Margaret L. Andersen, Jill M. Zuber & Brent D. Hill - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):525-538.
    In this exploratory paper, we investigate the extension of Haidt’s :814–834, 2001, The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion, 2012) Moral foundations theory, operationalized as the MFQ30 questionnaire, from a sample of the general public across many countries to a sample of business students. MFT posits that people rely on five major concerns, or foundations, when making moral judgments. The five concerns are care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, respect/authority, and purity/degradation. In addition, Haidt suggests that intuition, rather (...)
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    Corporate Social and Financial Performance: The Role of Size, Industry, Risk, R&D and Advertising Expenses as Control Variables.Margaret L. Andersen & John S. Dejoy - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (2):237-256.
    This article investigates the role of commonly specified control variables in moderating the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). In addition, there are separate measures for positive (strengths) social actions, and for negative (concerns) social actions. The results support the positive relationship between CSP and CFP. The best model, as determined using factorial analysis of variance, is one which has the following control variables: size, industry, risk, and research and development expenditures. In examining the CSP/CFP (...)
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    Thinking about Women: A Quarter Century’s View.Margaret L. Andersen - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (4):437-455.
    This article reviews the development of feminist studies during the latter quarter of the twentieth century, identifying initial themes in feminist theory and highlighting three major themes framing feminist scholarship today: the relationship between structure and agency; the intersection of race, class, and gender; and emerging studies of the political economy of sexuality. The article emphasizes the significance of understanding structured inequality, including new studies of sexuality and their relationship to race/class/gender stratification.
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    The responsibility of knowledge: Identifying and reporting students with evidence of psychological distress in large-scale school-based studies.Margaret L. Kern, Helen Cahill, Lucy Morrish, Anne Farrelly, Keren Shlezinger & Hayley Jach - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):193-216.
    The use of psychometric tools to investigate the impact of school-based wellbeing programs raises a number of ethical issues around students’ rights, confidentiality and protection. Researchers have explicit ethical obligations to protect participants from potential psychological harms, but guidance is needed for effectively navigating disclosure of identifiable confidential information that indicates signs of psychological distress. Drawing on a large-scale study examining student, school, and system-based factors that impact the implementation of a school-based social and emotional learning program, we describe patterns (...)
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    Managing the Risks Associated with Using Biomedical Ethics Advice.Margaret L. Eaton - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (1):99-109.
    This paper discusses the criticisms that exist about corporate use of ethics advice by bioscience companies and offers suggestions on how ethics advisors can be used so as to maximize their utility and avoid the criticism.
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    Procuring Organs From a Non-Heart-Beating Cadaver: Commentary on a Case Report.Margaret L. Campbell & Leonard J. Weber - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (1):35-42.
    Procurement of organs from non-heart-beating cadaver donors raises concerns. Standards for optimal patient care during withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy are evolving and continue to be debated and studied. Consensus on specific procedures and methods has not been attained, however, and protocols for the procurement of organs from patients following the withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies may compromise the evolving standards and harm the patient and the attendant family. In addition, there is little evidence to suggest that such protocols will significantly increase (...)
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    Better Conversations for Better Informed Consent: Talking with Surgical Patients.Margaret L. Schwarze, Robert M. Arnold, Justin T. Clapp & Jacqueline M. Kruser - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (3):11-14.
    For more than sixty years, surgeons have used bioethical strategies to promote patient self‐determination, many of these now collectively described as “informed consent.” Yet the core framework—understanding, risks, benefits, and alternatives—fails to support patients in deliberation about treatment. We find that surgeons translate this framework into an overly complicated technical explanation of disease and treatment and an overly simplified narrative that surgery will “fix” the problem. They omit critical information about the goals and downsides of surgery and present untenable options (...)
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  16. The Subtle Knot: Creative Scepticism in Seventeenth-Century England.Margaret L. Wiley - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):280-281.
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    Thinking About Women Some More: A New Century's View.Margaret L. Andersen - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (1):120-125.
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    Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Ethics: Exploring a Framework.Margaret L. Gagne, Joanne H. Gavin & Gregory J. Tully - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (2):181-190.
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    “If You're Light You're Alright”: Light Skin Color as Social Capital for Women of Color.Margaret L. Hunter - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (2):175-193.
    This article uses two national survey data sets to analyze the effects of skin color on life outcomes for African American and Mexican American women. Using a historical framework of European colonialism and slavery, this article explains how skin color hierarchies were established and are maintained. The concept of social capital is used to explain how beauty, defined through light skin, works as capital and as a stratifying agent for women on the dimensions of education, income, and spousal status. The (...)
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    Renaissance humanism: an anthology of sources.Margaret L. King (ed.) - 2014 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    By far the best collection of sources to introduce readers to Renaissance humanism in all its many guises. What distinguishes this stimulating and useful anthology is the vision behind it: King shows that Renaissance thinkers had a lot to say, not only about the ancient world--one of their habitual passions--but also about the self, how civic experience was configured, the arts, the roles and contributions of women, the new science, the 'new' world, and so much more. --Christopher S. Celenza, Johns (...)
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    (1 other version)General Education for Scientists and Engineers: Current Issues and Challenges.Margaret L. A. MacVicar - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):592-597.
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    The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire.Margaret L. Meriwether & Leslie Peirce - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):734.
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    The idea of Christ in the Gospels: or God in Man.Margaret L. Wiley - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):731-733.
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    Aleppo's Mālikāne-Dīvānī SystemAleppo's Malikane-Divani System.Margaret L. Venzke - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):451.
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    Land Tenure and Social Transformation in the Middle East.Margaret L. Venzke & Tarif Khalidi - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):382.
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    Regional Structure in the Ottoman Economy: A Sultanic Memorandum of 1636 A. D. concerning the Sources and Uses of the Tax-Farm Revenues of Anatolia and the Coastal and Northern Portions of Syria.Margaret L. Venzke & Rhoads Murphey - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):781.
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    State and Peasant in the Ottoman Empire: Agrarian Power Relations and Regional Economic Development in Ottoman Anatolia during the Sixteenth Century.Margaret L. Venzke, Huri İslamoǧlu-İnan & Huri Islamoglu-Inan - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (3):593.
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  28. Biosocial goals and human genetics: An impact study of NSF workshops.Margaret L. While, Jon R. Hendrix & Thomas R. Mertens - 1987 - Science Education 71 (2):137-144.
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  29. John Donne and the Poetry of Scepticism.Margaret L. Wiley - 1949 - Hibbert Journal 48:163.
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  30. Richard Baxter and the Problem of Certainty.Margaret L. Wiley - 1947 - Hibbert Journal 46:342.
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    Sir Thomas Browne and the Genesis of Paradox.Margaret L. Wiley - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (1/4):303.
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    Hugo Munsterberg, His Life and His Work.W. T. Bush & Margaret Munsterberg - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (23):642.
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    Conflict in the intensive care unit: Nursing advocacy and surgical agency.Kristen E. Pecanac & Margaret L. Schwarze - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):69-79.
    Background: Nurses and surgeons may experience intra-team conflict during decision making about the use of postoperative life-sustaining treatment in the intensive care unit due to their perceptions of professional roles and responsibilities. Nurses have a sense of advocacy—a responsibility to support the patient’s best interest; surgeons have a sense of agency—a responsibility to keep the patient alive. Objectives: The objectives were to (1) describe the discourse surrounding the responsibilities of nurses and surgeons, as “advocates” and “agents,” and (2) apply these (...)
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    CSR for Happiness: Corporate determinants of societal happiness as social responsibility.Austin Chia, Margaret L. Kern & Benjamin A. Neville - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):422-437.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Book Review: Body Panic: Gender, Health, and the Selling of Fitness. By Shari L. Dworkin and Faye Linda Wachs. New York University Press, 2009, 272 pp., $22.00. [REVIEW]Margaret L. Andersen - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (5):716-718.
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    Family employment status and gender role attitudes: A comparison of women and men college graduates.Bruce O. Warren & Margaret L. Cassidy - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (3):312-329.
    Data from 590 college graduates are used to assess the relationship between family employment status and gender role attitudes for a predominately European American sample. The women in this study are employed full time, part time, or are full-time homemakers, and all report being married to men employed full time. The men in the study are all employed full time and report having wives who are employed full time, part time, or are full-time homemakers. Controlling for the effects of selected (...)
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    Exploring Selective Exposure and Confirmation Bias as Processes Underlying Employee Work Happiness: An Intervention Study.Paige Williams, Margaret L. Kern & Lea Waters - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Chinese EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Wellbeing: Further Testing of the Psychometrics of the Measure.Guang Zeng & Margaret L. Kern - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Meticulous Thoughtfulness: Cultivating Practical Wisdom in Social Work.Heidrun Wulfekühler & Margaret L. Rhodes - 2018 - Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (4):330-347.
    Practical wisdom is a necessary virtue for social workers. We explore the nature of this virtue and one possible element of facilitating its development in social work students who are seen as beginning learners of virtue. The pertinent ethical reflections can be stimulated by employing practically feasible guidelines which are Aristotelian in structure and which are not predominantly outcome oriented. We emphasize the need for slowing down the decision-making process. Creating ‘meticulous thoughtfulness’ is the first step on the path of (...)
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    Changing the Paradigm: Practical Wisdom as True North in Medical Education.Margaret L. Plews-Ogan - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
    The practice of medicine is a complex endeavor requiring high levels of knowledge and technical capability, and the capacity to apply the skills and knowledge to do the right thing in the right way, for the right reason, in a particular context. The orchestration of the virtues, managing uncertainty, applying knowledge and technical skills to a particular individual in a particular circumstance, and exercising the virtues in challenging circumstances, are the tasks of practical wisdom. Centuries ago, Aristotle suggested that capacities (...)
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    Figure-background color differences and transfer of discrimination from objects to line drawings with pigeons.Patrick A. Cabe & Margaret L. Healey - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):124-126.
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    Perception of vehicle speed as a function of vehicle size.Robert J. Herstein & Margaret L. Walker - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):566-568.
  43.  12
    Regulation of Overlapping Surgery: Progress and Gaps.Elle L. Kalbfell & Margaret L. Schwarze - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):74-76.
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    How Anticipation of Agent-Regret Can Undermine Clinical Decision-Making.Carrie Thiessen, Margaret L. Schwarze & Peter A. Ubel - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):26-28.
    A surgeon offers an imperfect kidney (Kidney Donor Profile Index1 > 85%) to a patient for transplantation, knowing that it poses a higher-than-average risk of complication. However, the organ is ne...
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    Status consistency and work satisfaction among professional and managerial women and men.Bruce O. Warren & Margaret L. Cassidy - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (2):193-206.
    This study examined whether holding a status-consistent or status-inconsistent position affected the work satisfaction of college-educated, white-collar employees. The status-consistent group contained 128 women and 118 men. The status-inconsistent group was composed of 89 women and 102 men. Our results indicated that workers in occupations in which the majority of workers are the same gender had significantly higher levels of work satisfaction than those in status-inconsistent occupations. However, subsequent analyses revealed that men and women employed in occupations in which the (...)
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    Flourishing in Social Work Organisations.Heidrun Wulfekühler & Margaret L. Rhodes - forthcoming - Ethics and Social Welfare:1-16.
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  47. The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management: An Exploratory Study. [REVIEW]Yongtao Hong & Margaret L. Andersen - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (4):461-471.
    In this article, we explore the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and earnings management (EM). Our CSR index, using KLD data, incorporates information from the following issue areas: the community, corporate governance, diversity, the product, employee relations, the environment, and human rights. Results show that more socially responsible firms have higher quality accruals and less activity-based EM, both of which impact financial reporting quality.
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    L'educazione per tutti e per tutta la vita: il contributo pedagogico di Ettore Gelpi.Veronica Riccardi - 2014 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Un'eco d'Oriente. Sekherezada di Rimskij-Korsakov.Letizia Riccardi - 2009 - Doctor Virtualis 9:1-22.
    Oggi come in passato l'Oriente è vittima di stereotipi derivati dalla tradizione orientalistica ottocentesca che ha contribuito a plasmare una miriade di cliché esotici dai quali fatichiamo a renderci indipendenti. In questo intervento si cerca di segnalare, e in parte demitizzare, alcuni di tali luoghi comuni, con particolare riferimento al contesto musicale russo di fine Ottocento. Nel quadro dell'immaginario dell'Oriente che si sviluppa nella cultura russa si colloca la suite sinfonica Sekherezada op. 35 di Nikolaj Andreevič Rimskij-Korsakov: temi popolari di (...)
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    Language in Bioethics: Beyond the Representational View.Justin T. Clapp, Jacqueline M. Kruser, Margaret L. Schwarze & Rachel A. Hadler - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-13.
    Though assumptions about language underlie all bioethical work, the field has rarely partaken of theories of language. This article encourages a more linguistically engaged bioethics. We describe the tacit conception of language that is frequently upheld in bioethics—what we call the representational view, which sees language essentially as a means of description. We examine how this view has routed the field’s theories and interventions down certain paths. We present an alternative model of language—the pragmatic view—and explore how it expands and (...)
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